Tuesday, October 20, 2015

My First Length Check….
You guys!!! It has indeed been a long time since I talked to you last. Let me start out saying I have not been forgotten you. I just didn’t feel that I had much to talk about. Since July, I have been wearing my hair out and mainly doing twist outs along with co-washes and deep conditioning weekly. And I have finally made it to eleven months post relaxer!!!! Isn’t that crazy to think about? I have already decided my big chop date and I look forward to the end of this transition. However, I am scared about the loss of length…..Which led me to do a length check yesterday. Before yesterday, I had not blow-dried and flat ironed my hair in over ten months. Let that sink in for a moment. Yes, ten months. That is a long time!!! So I was naturally curious to see how my hair would respond to the heat and how healthy it would look. The first two pics are in the spring of 2013, and the others are from yesterday. I’ll let you be the judge…..

My conclusions:

My hair is a lot healthier, fuller, more even, and softer than it has ever been. I obviously did not iron it bone straight and my iron was on its lowest setting-365˚. On most of my hair, I only did one pass through as well. I was really afraid of damage.  But the difference is startling. Seeing how resilient and strong my hair responded to the heat (mainly without damage) just assured me that going natural was the best thing I could have done for my hair. It will be a while before I do this again, particularly because I want to have some progress made between checks and that takes time. But the next time I do a length check, I will be completely natural!!! 

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