Monday, April 27, 2015

Box Braids Revisited...

Box Braids Revisited…

As you all know, I’ve been transitioning for the past five months and my protective style of choice has been box braids. I did a blog a while back about the first two times I installed them but I figured it was time for an update. Well, my main struggles with box braids were how to minimize installation time and seal the ends. I realized that my parts had been way too small and thus the braids themselves were small which created more time involved in installation. So I decided this time (3rd time) to use huge parts and proportionate braids to cut down time. And it worked! My parts were huge (next time, I’ll go slightly smaller) and the braids were much bigger but my installation time went from 4 days (with breaks to take care of my family) to 5 ½ hours!!! That is a HUGE difference!!!! That was the fastest I’ve ever done my braids! Here’s what they look like after almost 3 weeks…

To seal my ends, I dumped them in boiling water and then lightly burned a wrapped piece of hair with my flat iron. I used 7 ½ packs of Jumbo Braid Kanekalon hair and like I said it took me 5 ½ hours. Another thing to note was that the braids are only boob length or bra strap length. The longer the braid, the longer it takes. Also, be sure to wash and condition your hair while it is in braids. Dirty braids are not cute;  I wash my hair once a week and I use a spray bottle filled a mixture of aloe vera juice, coconut oil, water and my favorite leave-in conditioner and moisture butter. to keep my hair moisturized once a day. Hopefully this helps.

Happy Styling!!!












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